Tarxeta Contigo
Who is it for?
To all long-term unemployment and benefit recipients who are registered in the requested location.
This application must include a photocopy of the DNI / NIE and a passport photo on a white background. When you are contacted by our customer service office to withdraw your voucher, you must prove through original documentation the employment certificate and the registration (in case the DNI does not match the town where you reside and request the voucher).
How does it work?
Carrying out up to 40 trips / month with a 50% discount on the established rate *, and a minimum price of € 40 / voucher / month.
*Valid for 30 days after recharging.
*Corresponding to the price of the single ticket in cash
Where can I use it?
On the regular line to which you are requesting the bonus.
How do you apply?
The request for the cards will be made through the Card request – Lugove form, however, their creation and collection must be done in our offices.
How is it recharged?
On the bus itself and at the Lugove customer service offices. Telematic recharge will be available soon.
What is the price?
By having many combinations by locations, stops and routes, we invite you to contact us by mail:
or by our phone:
968 298 297
What is the cost of emission / loss?
€ 3 to be included in the first recharge.
* In case of loss or misplacement of the card, all the documentation must be presented again for the reprint of the new card and the cost of issuance
Download here the broshure: folleto tarxeta CONTIGO lugove

Tarxeta Estudantís
Who is it aimed at?
To all students who are registered in the requested locality.
This application must include a photocopy of the DNI / NIE and a photo card on a white background. When you are contacted by our customer service office for the withdrawal of your voucher you must prove by documentation
original employment certificate and registration (in the event that the DNI does not match the locality where you reside and apply for the voucher).
How does it work?
Completion of up to 30 trips / month ** with a discount on the established rate of 35% *. Validity 30 days after recharging.
Completion of up to 60 trips / month ** with a discount on the established rate of 50% *. Validity 45 days after recharging.
* Corresponding to the price of the single ticket in cash
** Trips are assigned to a specific source-destination.
How is it requested?
The request for the cards will be made through the Card request – Lugove form, however, their creation and collection must be done in our offices.
How is it recharged?
On the bus itself and at Lugove customer service offices.
Telematic top-up will be available soon.
What price is it?
As we have many combinations for locations, stops and routes, we invite you to contact us by email:
or by our phone:
968 298 297
What is the issue / loss cost?
€ 3 to be included in the first top-up.
* In the event of loss or loss of card, all documentation for reprinting the new card and the cost of issuance must be resubmitted.
Download: folleto Tarxeta ESTUDANTE lugove

Tarxeta Multiviaxe
How does it work?
- As a monthly Travel Bonus: Monthly vouchers, for the realization of up to 50 trips, regardless of whether they are outbound or return, with a 50% discount on each of them over the established rate. Minimum price of € 50 / voucher / month for any of the routes managed by Lugove.
- As Card-Wallet: It can be recharged from € 30 and its multiples (2X, 3X, 4X …) with a discount of 30% on the unit price of each trip. Recharges over € 30 imply obtaining an additional balance equivalent to at least 10% of the recharge and rounded to the following multiple of ten.
Where can I use it?
In any of the regular lines and municipal terms within the territorial scope of the Lugove transport service. (including trips within the same municipality)
How do you apply?
It can be purchased at any office or directly from the driver.
How is it recharged?
On the bus itself and at the Lugove customer service offices. Telematic recharge will be available soon.
What is the cost of issue / loss?
€ 3 to be included in the first recharge. * In case of loss or misplacement of the card, all the documentation must be presented again for the reprint of the new card and the cost of issuance.
Descarga aquí el: folleto taxteta MULTIVAXE lugove

Tarxeta Peregrino
Who is it for?
To all the people who are or are going to do the Camino de Santiago.
This application must include a photocopy of the DNI / NIE and a passport photo on a white background. When you are contacted by our customer service office to withdraw your voucher, you must show the pilgrim’s credential with an issue of less than 30 days.
How does it work?
20% discount on any rate*.
* Valid for 30 days after recharging.
* Corresponding to the price of the single ticket in cash
Where can I use it?
On the regular line to which you are requesting the bonus.
How do you apply?
The request for the cards will be made through the Card request – Lugove form, however, their creation and collection must be done in our offices.
How is it recharged?
On the bus itself and at the Lugove customer service offices. Telematic recharge will be available soon.
What is the price?
By having many combinations by locations, stops and routes, we invite you to contact us by mail:
or by our phone:
968 298 297
What is the cost of emission / loss?
€ 3 to be included in the first recharge.
* In case of loss or misplacement of the card, all the documentation must be presented again for the reprint of the new card and the cost of issuance
Download the broshure here: folleto tarxeta PEREGRINO lugove

Tarxeta Sostible
Who is it for?
To all workers and officials who are registered in the requested location.
This application must include a photocopy of the DNI / NIE and a passport photo on a white background. When you are contacted by our customer service office to withdraw your voucher, you must prove through original documentation the employment certificate and the registration (in case the DNI does not match the town where you reside and request the voucher).
How does it work?
Carrying out up to 30 trips / month ** with a discount on the established rate of 40% *. Valid for 30 days after recharging.
Carrying out up to 60 trips / month ** with a discount on the established rate of 60%. Valid for 45 days after recharging.
* Corresponding to the price of the single ticket in cash.
** The trips are assigned to a specific origin-destination.
Where can I use it?
On the regular line to which you are requesting the bonus.
How do you apply?
The request for the cards will be made through the Card request – Lugove form, however, their creation and collection must be done in our offices.
How is it recharged?
On the bus itself and at the Lugove customer service offices. Telematic recharge will be available soon.
What is the price?
By having many combinations by locations, stops and routes, we invite you to contact us by mail:
or by our phone:
968 298 297
What is the cost of issue / loss?
€ 3 to be included in the first recharge.
*In case of loss or misplacement of the card, all the documentation must be presented again for the reprint of the new card and the cost of issuance
Download the broshure folleto tarxeta SOSTIBLE lugove